Google Maps Helper
# Google Maps Helper for CakePHP 2.x Helper for CakePHP framework that integrates a Google Map in your view using Google Maps API V3.
- Place the helper into app/View/Helper/GoogleMapHelper.php
- Add this line into the controller : `php public $helpers = array('GoogleMap'); //Adding the helper `
- Then we need to add the necessary Javascript files into the view : `php<?= $this->Html->script('` sor=true',`_ false); ?> ` Note that the API key is not required but it you may want to add it if you want to monitor your usage or to buy additional usage quota. To add the api key: `php<?= $this->Html->scr ipt('`' ,`_ false); ?> `
Print the map to your view `phpGoogleMap->map(); ?> `
Map Options
Below are the options available to set to your map:
**id:** Map
canvas id * **width:** Map width * **height:** Map height * **style:**
Map canvas CSS style * **zoom:** Map zoom * **type:** Type of map -
`ROADMAP`, `SATELLITE`, `HYBRID` or `TERRAIN` * **custom:** Any other
map option not mentioned before and available for the map. For example
`mapTypeControl: true`. See more map options at: *
**localize:** Boolean to localize your position or not. Overrides
'latitude' & 'longitude' and 'address' (Localize have priority versus
Latitude & Longitude and Address) * **latitude:** Default latitude if
the browser doesn't support localization or you don't want
localization (Latitude & Langitude have priority versus Address) *
**longitude:** Default longitude if the browser doesn't support
localization or you don't want localization (Latitude & Langitude have
priority versus Address) * **address:** Default address if the browser
doesn't support localization or you don't want localization (Latitude
& Langitude have priority versus Address) * **marker:** Boolean to put
a marker in your position or not * **markerTitle:** Marker title (HTML
title tag) * **markerIcon:** Default icon of the marker of your
position * **markerShadow:** Default icon' shadow of the marker of
your position * **infoWindow:** Boolean to show an information window
when you click your position marker or not * **windowText:** Default
text inside your position markerĀ“s information window
In order modify any of the default options shown above you need to create your map passing the array as follows:
// Override any of the following default options to customize your map
$map_options = array(
'id' => 'map_canvas',
'width' => '800px',
'height' => '800px',
'style' => '',
'zoom' => 7,
'type' => 'HYBRID',
'custom' => null,
'localize' => true,
'latitude' => 40.69847032728747,
'longitude' => -1.9514422416687,
'address' => '1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino',
'marker' => true,
'markerTitle' => 'This is my position',
'markerIcon' => '',
'markerShadow' => '',
'infoWindow' => true,
'windowText' => 'My Position'
<?= $this->GoogleMap->map($map_options); ?>
Adding Markers
To add a marker use:
GoogleMap->addMarker($map_id, $marker_id,
$position); ?> ``` Where: * **$map_id** is the map canvas id
('map_canvas' by default) * **$marker_id** is the unique identifiyer
for that marker * **$position** could be a simple string with the
address or an array with latitude and longitude.
Example with address (using geolocation) ```php<?=
$this->GoogleMap->addMarker("map_canvas", 1, "1 Infinite Loop,
Cupertino, California");
Example with latitude and longitude:
<?= $this->GoogleMap->addMarker("map_canvas", 1, array('latitude' => 40.69847, 'longitude' => -73.9514)); ?>
Marker Options
There are some marker options available to customize the marker popup info window: * showWindow: Boolean to show or not the popup info window * windowText: Text to show inside the popup info window * markerTitle: Marker title (HTML title tag) * markerIcon: Marker icon * markerShadow: Marker icon shadow In order modify any of the default options shown above you need to create your marker passing the array as follows:
<? // Override any of the following default options to customize your
marker $marker_options = array( 'showWindow' => true, 'windowText' =>
'Marker', 'markerTitle' => 'Title', 'markerIcon' =>
'markerShadow' =>
); ?>
<?= $this->GoogleMap->addMarker("map_canvas", 1, "1 Infinite Loop,
Cupertino, California", $marker_options); ?>