Fixing and improving the TextHelper

The TextHelper is a really useful utility in CakePHP. But some functions behave strangely and others are missing. That’s why I extended it as follows. General I created a new helper which the following file in “/app/view/helpers/Text2Helper.php”:

App::import('Helper', 'Text');

class Text2Helper extends TextHelper {
    public function function_name($parameters) {
            // some code

            // if you want to extend functionality, maybe you want
            // to call the parent function

You can overwrite and create new functions in this file. (See:

Note that you can not use the helper with adding “Text2” to the $helpers array inside a controller. Unfortunately you cannot globally specify to always use the Text2Helper instead of the TextHelper! The only thing you can do is to add the following to your view:

$this->Text = $this->Text2;

I would like to see a functionality to alias helpers! This would make the job easier and prettier. (

So let’s start with my modifications:

1.) Increasing toList() functionality I added the functionality to specify who each item should be displayed (some sourrounding code and so on). Therefore I added the parameter $phrase. _key_ will be replaced by the current element’s key and _item_ will be replaced by the current element’s value.

    public function toList($list, $and = 'and', $separator = ', ', $phrase = '_item_') {
            foreach($list as $key => &$item)
                    $item = str_replace(array('_key_', '_item_'), array($key, $item), $phrase);
            return parent::toList($list, $and, $separator);

2.) Fixing truncate() Currently the truncate() function only breaks on spaces. So when you only have newline characters or tabs, the code won’t break. That’s why even very long strings may result in “…”. Therefore I added 3 fixes.

2.1.) Fixing punctuation Some people don’t add spaces after dots, commas and so on. That’s why I added exactly one space after each of these characters:

    // 1. fix punctuation
    if ($options['fix_punctuation']) {
            $punctuation = ',.;:';
            $text = preg_replace('/(['.$punctuation.'])[\s]*/', '\1 ', $text);

2.2.) Fixing spaces All possible space symbols (like newline, tab, …) are replaced by one space character:

    // 2. fix spaces
    if ($options['fix_spaces']) {
            //$spaces = " \t\r\n";          // use preg_replace() or str_replace() or strtr()
            $text = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]+/', ' ', $text);             // [:space:] equal \s

2.3.) Switch to cut instead of clear When the returned string is still only ‘…’ then set ‘exact’ => true (cutting instead of searching for spaces):

    // get truncated string
    $result = parent::truncate($text, $length, $options);

    // 3. fix long strings: cut instead of clear
    if ($options['fix_longStr']) {
            if ($result === $options['ending']) {
                    $options['exact'] = true;
                    $result = parent::truncate($text, $length, $options);

So here is the whole code of my truncate function:

    public function truncate($text, $length = 100, $options = array()) {
            $default = array(
                    'fix_punctuation' => true,
                    'fix_spaces' => true,
                    'fix_longStr' => true, 'ending' => '...'
            $options = array_merge($default, $options);

            // 1. fix punctuation
            if ($options['fix_punctuation']) {
                    $punctuation = ',.;:';
                    $text = preg_replace('/(['.$punctuation.'])[\s]*/', '\1 ', $text);

            // 2. fix spaces
            if ($options['fix_spaces']) {
                    //$spaces = " \t\r\n";          // use preg_replace() or str_replace() or strtr()
                    $text = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]+/', ' ', $text);             // [:space:] equal \s

            // get truncated string
            $result = parent::truncate($text, $length, $options);

            // 3. fix long strings: cut instead of clear
            if ($options['fix_longStr']) {
                    if ($result === $options['ending']) {
                            $options['exact'] = true;
                            $result = parent::truncate($text, $length, $options);

            // return truncated string
            return $result;

3.) Add wordwrap() This function automatically inserts a newline after a maximum number or characters. Please not that this mostly only useful when you have “text-align: justify;” in your css style. Otherwise it’s often better to set “word-wrap: break-word;” in your css to let the browser do the work. That’s because of the different widths for the different characters for most fonts.

So here is my code:

 * Splits string in lines of given length.
 * Note: Perhaps it's better to set the following css option: "word-wrap: break-word;"
 *           because it handles the different widths of the characters correctly
 * @param string $text String to wrap.
 * @param integer $length Maximum length (number of characters) of returned lines.
 * @param bool $cut If the cut is set to TRUE, the string is always wrapped at or before the specified width. So only if you have a word that is larger than the given width, it is broken apart.
 * @param bool $htmlBreak Inserts '<br />' on every newline.
 * @return string Wrapped string.
    public function wordwrap($text, $length = 100, $cut = true, $htmlBreak = true) {
            $text = wordwrap($text, $length, "\n", $cut);
            return (($htmlBreak)?nl2br($text):$text);

I hope you find this information useful. When you are of the CakePHP team, consider implementing these fixes into the original TextHelper ;)