CakePHP 5.1.0 Released

The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 5.1.0. 5.1.0 provides a number improvements to CakePHP. 5.1.0 introduces a small number of deprecation warnings. Any deprecations introduced now will continue to have consistent behavior until their removal in 6.0.0. There is no scheduled date for 6.0.0 at this time.

Upgrading to 5.1.0

You can use composer to upgrade to CakePHP 5.1.0:

php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:5.1.*"

Deprecation Warnings

5.1 introduces a few deprecations. All of these features will continue for the duration of 5.x but will be removed in 6.0. See the migration guide.

What’s new in 5.1.0?

The migration guide has a complete list of what’s new in 5.1.0. We recommend you give that page a read when upgrading. A few highlights from 5.1.0 are:

  • RedisEngine now supports TLS connections.
  • bin/cake plugin list has been added to list plugin metadata.
  • Optional Command arguments can now have a default value.
  • BannerHelper was added. This command helper can format text as a banner with a coloured background and padding.
  • Components can now use the DI container to have dependencies resolved and provided as constructor parameters just like Controllers and Commands do.
  • The toString, toInt, toBool, toDate, and toDateTime functions were added. They give you a typesafe way to cast request data or other input and return null when conversion fails.
  • pathCombine() was added to help build paths without worrying about duplicate and trailing slashes.
  • A new events hook was added to the BaseApplication as well as the BasePlugin class.
  • Support for point, linestring, polygon and geometry types were added to the Database package.
  • SelectQuery::intersect() and SelectQuery::intersectAll() were added.
  • Client now emits HttpClient.beforeSend and HttpClient.afterSend events when requests are sent.
  • Http\Server now emits Server.terminate event to run logic after the response has been sent in fastcgi environments. In other environments the Server.terminate event runs before the response has been sent.
  • View cells now emit events around their actions Cell.beforeAction and Cell.afterAction.
  • Validation::enum(), Validator::enum(), Validation::enumOnly(), and Validation::enumExcept() were added to further simplify validating backed enum values.
  • HtmlHelper can now create a meta tag with the CSRF token in it.

Contributors to 5.1.0

Thank you to all the contributors that helped make 5.1 happen:

  • Adam Halfar
  • ADmad
  • Alejandro Ibarra
  • Fernando Herrero
  • Frank de Graaf (Phally)
  • Jamison Bryant
  • J.Brabec
  • Jozef Grencik
  • Kevin Pfeifer
  • KrzysiekNDS
  • Mark Scherer
  • Mark Story
  • Maximilian Ruta
  • ndm2
  • Nicos Panayides
  • othercorey
  • Robert Pustułka

As always, a huge thanks to all the community members that helped make this release happen by reporting issues and sending pull requests. 5.1.0 is a large release and would not have been possible without the community support and feedback.

What’s Next

With 5.1.0 shipped, future feature work will continue on and eventually form 5.2.0. Bugfixes for 5.1 will be done in the 5.x branch, and 5.0 will receive security fixes until the release of 5.3.

The roadmap for 5.x is still under development. We’re interested in making the upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1 a smooth one, and would appreciate any feedback you have on upgrade difficulties. Please open an issue and get the discussion started.

Download a packaged release on github.