CakePHP 5.2.0-RC1 Released

The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the first release candidate for CakePHP 5.2.0. The 5.2 release includes several behavior changes to increase correctness and new features. The highlights of those include:

  • The cake counter_cache command was added. This command can be used to regenerate counters for models that use CounterCacheBehavior.
  • ConsoleIntegrationTestTrait::debugOutput() makes it easier to debug integration tests for console commands.
  • Console arguments and options support a separator option making it possible to define parameters like --names=foo,bar
  • The nativeuuid type was added. This type enables uuid columns to be used in Mysql connections with MariaDB. In all other drivers, nativeuuid is an alias for uuid.
  • A new set of database reflection methods are added. These new methods will be used to simplify migrations in future releases.
  • FormHelper::deleteLink() has been added as convenience wrapper for delete links in templates using DELETE method.
  • HtmlHelper::importmap() was added. This method allows you to define import maps for your JavaScript files.
  • Custom exceptions can have specific error handling logic defined in ErrorController.

What’s new in 5.2.0

The migration guide has a complete list of what’s new in 5.2.0. We recommend you give that page a read when upgrading as it notes the behavior changes present in 5.2.0.

How you Can Help

You can help deliver 5.2.0 by contributing in one of many ways:

  1. Check the documentation for mistakes, outdated, unclear or broken examples. We’ve been trying to update the documentation as we go, but there are likely examples or sections we’ve missed.
  2. Try it out! Give CakePHP 5.2.0 a test drive. Let us know how upgrading went and if there were any rough spots.
  3. File issues for regressions in existing features, or suggest new features. Even if those features don’t make it into 5.2.0, we’re early in the process of planning 5.2 and value community feedback.

Contributors to 5.2.0-RC1

Thank you to all the contributors that have contributed to this release:

  • Adam Halfar
  • ADmad
  • Erwane Breton
  • Kevin Pfeifer
  • kolorafa
  • Mark Scherer
  • Mark Story
  • mirko-pagliai
  • Nicos Panayides
  • othercorey
  • RobRikken

As always, a huge thanks to all the community members that helped make this release happen by reporting issues and sending pull requests.

Download a packaged release on github.