CakePHP 4.4.0 Released
The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 4.4.0. This is the first stable release of 4.4.0. 4.4.0 provides a number improvements to CakePHP.
Upgrading to 4.4.0
You can use composer to upgrade to CakePHP 4.4.0:
php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:4.4.*"
Deprecation Warnings
4.4 introduces a few deprecations. All of these features will continue for the duration of 4.x but will be removed in 5.0. See the migration guide.
What’s new in 4.4.0?
The migration guide has a complete list of what’s new in 4.4.0. We recommend you give that page a read when upgrading. A few highlights from 4.4.0 are:
- A new Error and Exception handling framework that is easier to extend and requires less application code to operate.
- The RedisEngine now supports fast deletes with deleteAsync().
- bin/cake routes now highlights collisions in route templates.
- Controller::viewClasses() was added. This method enables controllers to take control of what content-types they can respond as.
- View classes can define the static method contentType() to participate in content-type negotiation.
- Query::expr() was added as an alternative to Query::newExpr().
- The QueryExpression::case() builder now supports inferring the type from expressions passed to then() and else() that implement \Cake\Database\TypedResultInterface.
- BaseApplication::handle() now adds the $request into the service container all the time.
- HttpsEnforcerMiddleware now has an hsts option that allows you to configure the Strict-Transport-Security header.
- TreeBehavior now supports triggering ORM callbacks when deleting nodes.
Contributors to 4.4.0
Thank you to all the contributors that helped make 4.4 happen:
- ADmad
- Alejandro Ibarra
- Chetan Varshney
- Corey Taylor
- Gerhard Lechner
- itosho
- Jorge González
- Kevin Pfeifer
- Mark Scherer
- Mark Story
- naveen
- saeideng
As always, a huge thanks to all the community members that helped make this release happen by reporting issues and sending pull requests. 4.4.0 is a large release and would not have been possible without the community support and feedback.
What’s Next
With 4.4.0 shipped, the core team’s focus will be primarily on CakePHP 5.0. So far in the 5.x branch, the team has:
- Bumped the required version of PHP to 8.1.0
- Removed all the behavior that was deprecated in 4.x.
- Improved typehinting by using features in PHP 8.1.
- Updated interfaces with @method annotations.
The roadmap for 5.x is still under development, and if there is a feature you feel passionate about or a tedious behavior you’d like to see changed, please open an issue and get the discussion started.
Download a packaged release on github.