CakePHP 3.4.0-RC2 Released
The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.4.0-RC2. This is a release candidate for 3.4.0. 3.4.0 provides a number improvements both large and small to CakePHP. It also deprecates several features that will be removed in 4.0.0.
Upgrading to this version
You can use composer to upgrade to the RC version of CakePHP 3.4.0:
php composer.phar require "cakephp/cakephp:3.4.0-RC2"
What’s new in 3.4.0?
The migration guide has a complete list of what’s new in 3.4.0, and what has been deprecated. We recommend you give that page a read when upgrading.
Bugfixes and Minor Features
This release fixes a few issues identified in the 3.4.0-RC1, as well as the recent bugfixes from master. This release contains the following changes:
- Router::prefix() now supports a path option for customizing a prefix scope’s URL path.
- Postgres dialect now correctly handles nullable datetime columns.
- SqlServer dialect now correctly handles nullable datetime columns.
- Http\Client correctly generates request URIs when behind an HTTP proxy.
- Improved API documentation.
- Xml::build() now supports the parseHuge option to enable very large XML payloads to be loaded.
- A regression causing CLI subcommands to not inherit the parent shell’s options and arguments was fixed.
If there are no major issues reported, we will release 3.4.0 stable next week.
Contributors to 3.4.0-RC2
Thank you to all the contributors that helped make this release happen:
- ADmad
- AJ Quick
- Dmitrii Romanov
- Joris Vaesen
- Jose Diaz-Gonzalez
- José Lorenzo Rodríguez
- Mark Story
- Ross Chater
- Yves P
- antograssiot
- ndm2
As always, a huge thanks to all the community members that helped make this release happen by reporting issues and sending pull requests.
Download a packaged release on github.