CakePHP 3.3.1 Released
The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.3.1. This is a maintenance release for the 3.3 branch that fixes several community reported issues.
You can expect the following changes in 3.3.1. See the changelog for every commit.
- AssetFilter now interacts properly with PSR7 based applications.
- Cookie decryption when using the PSR7 stack now works properly.
- Regressions around marshalling associated data have been fixed.
- All associations now marshall correctly when TranslateBehavior is enabled.
- BelongsToMany _joinData records with complex properties now hydrate correctly again when loaded with find().
- Request::is() no longer caches results. This fixes an issue where parameterized detectors would return cached results when parameters are different.
- CakeEmail::deliver() correctly uses default as the default transport configuration instead of ‘fast’.
- MiddlewareStack::insertAt() behaves correctly when adding non-Closure based middleware.
- Dispatcher filters are not doubly invoked when an application uses the PSR7 HTTP stack and dispatcher filters.
- CrossSchemaTableExpression and automatic cross database join prefixing has been removed. This was a new feature in 3.3.0 that caused regressions for a number of folks. Removing the problematic feature feels like a better solution over trying to patch issues as they come up.
- Session cookie rotation works correctly, when setting custom cookies, and using the PSR7 HTTP stack.
Minor Enhancements
- Cake\ORM\SaveOptionsBuilder was added. This class provides a builder interface for building option sets for save operations. By using a fluent interface you can reduce the number of errors made.
- Exceptions are now raised when duplicate named routes are connected.
Contributors to 3.3.1
Thank you to all the contributors that helped make this release happen:
- Florian Krämer
- Jad Bitar
- José Lorenzo Rodríguez
- Juan Basso
- Mark Sch
- Mark Story
- Mirko Pagliai
- Walther Lalk
- antograssiot
- saeideng
As always, we would like to thank all the contributors that opened issues, opened pull requests or updated the documentation.
Download a packaged release on github.