August 28, 2013
Generating Tree compatible with twitter bootstrap nav subnav
I needed a helper which show my Menu items in twitter bootstrap navigation bar format with unlimited deep. First i did google for finding it but there was no result or there was not free. So i will show you how i did do that. first of all: My MenuItems Model has simple fields: id,parent_id,title,link,lft,rght and it’s actsAs Tree (Behavior)
so after i fetched data in threaded mode with find function i passed it to this little tiny long time function in a helper:
public function renderMenu($array,$root=true,$hasChildren=false) {
if (count($array)) {
if ($root)
echo "\n<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
if ($hasChildren)
echo "\n<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">\n" ;
echo "\n<ul>\n";
foreach ($array as $vals) {
if (count($vals['children']) && (!$hasChildren))
$liClass="dropdown" ;
if ($hasChildren && count($vals['children']))
$liClass = 'dropdown-submenu' ;
$liClass=null ;
echo "<li " ;
if (!is_null($liClass))
echo 'class="'.$liClass.'"' ;
echo " id=\"".$vals['MenuItem']['id']."\">".$this->Html->link($vals['MenuItem']['title'],$vals['MenuItem']['link'],array('class'=>'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle'=>'dropdown'));
if (count($vals['children'])) {
echo "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
it will print out a Bootstrap navigation bar compatible nested ul li.
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