CakePHP 2.3.6 released
The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 2.3.6[1]. 2.3.6 is a bugfix release for the 2.3 release branch. Since the release of 2.3.5 there have been 64 commits and 17 tickets resolved.
The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 2.3.6[1]. 2.3.6 is a bugfix release for the 2.3 release branch. Since the release of 2.3.5 there have been 64 commits and 17 tickets resolved. A short list of the changes you can expect is:
- Datetime comparisons in CakeTime are more accurate now.
- FormHelper now correctly marks fields with error classes on forms that save multiple records.
- Controller::$modelClass is now set before components are initialized.
- The file reading features of CakeEmail are now available outside the class.
- Email line wrapping compatibility with japanese messages has been improved.
- HtmlHelper::tag() now returns the content when $tag is false.
- Mocked components are now enabled when using ControllerTestCase::testAction().
- The type attribute can now be set when using HtmlHelper::script() and HtmlHelper::scriptBlock().
- Passing an empty array does not reset SmtpTransport’s configuration anymore.
- Xml parse errors with SimpleXmlElement now throw XmlException.
- FormHelper now disables options in multi-select elements now.
- TranslateBehavior now always uses $name instead of alias when updating/inserting rows.
- Cookie expiry times in the distant future now work on 32bit systems.
- FileEngine now clears groups with differing prefixes correctly.
Security disclosure
There were 3 recent security releases for CakePHP. With the goal of being open and transparent, and holding true to our previous commitments, below are more detailed descriptions of each problem.
Authentication forms
Authentication forms were vulnerable to query manipulation through the addition of additional POST data. Forms that were not also protected by SecurityComponent were vulnerable. If in a login form you had:
<input name=”data[User][username]” type=”text”><br /><input name=”data[User][password]” type=”password”>
Before submitting the form an attacker could add this HTML to the form:
<input name=”data[User][username][OR][id LIKE]” value=”1” type=”hidden”><input name=”data[User][username][OR][username LIKE]” value=”%admin%” type=”hidden”>
When the form was submitted, the $conditions used to log the user in would have the value of:
"OR" => array(
"id like" => 1,
"username like" => "%admin%"
This issue was introduced accidentally when adding support for blowfish authentication. The issue was resolved by treating any non- scalar conditions when authenticating users as a failure. This issue was corrected in this commit c327bd. Thanks to Magnus Andersson for the report and patch.
Pagination SQL injection
Through manipulation of the model alias used to sort a pagination URL, arbitrary SQL could be executed. This issue effected the 1.2, 1.3, and 2.x series of releases and was accidentally introduced 5 years ago. PaginatorComponent only validated the field name, but not the model alias. This meant that any SQL contained in the alias would be inlined as SQL. An example exploit URL would look like:;delete%20FROM%20%60contacts%60;.id
The above URL injects a DELETE query into the pagination request which would be executed without sanitization due to it being a sort key. This issue was fixed by ignoring the user data and using the known model alias in this commit 6017db. Thanks to ‘Ahmad’ for reporting the issue on lighthouse and helping the CakePHP team find a fix.
Cross site scripting through webroot
By manipulating the URL an attacker could generate an error page that allowed the execution of arbitrary javascript. The webroot property on the request object was incorrectly trusted as safe even though it contained user input. An example exploit could look like:;%3C/script%3E%3Clink%20href=%22HTTP/1.0%22%3C
The solution to this issue was to urlencode the user supplied webroot property when the request object is created. This makes generated URL’s safe to use in all normal contexts. The fix for this was applied in this commit db6dd1.
I’d like to thank the various people who reported the security issues and assisted in getting them fixed. I’d also like to thank all of the contributors who help keep CakePHP cooking. Without you there would be no CakePHP. Download a packaged release[2].