How to Cache CakePHP Db ACL Checks
After enabling SQL query logging to Chrome Console I began noticing that queries against the ARO table appear running at 300 milliseconds or higher. This is data that doesn’t change often and is needed on every request so its a great candidate for caching. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any mechanism for caching DbAcl checks. Here is my solution.
This is fairly straight forward. First create a new file at app/Lib/CacheDbAcl.php and copy and paste the code in (hyperlink) or see bottom of the article.
Next add the following configurations to app/Config/bootstrap.php: Configure::write(‘CacheDbAclConfig’,’default’); > Configure::write(‘CacheDbAclAro’,’User.UserGroup’);<br > > <p>Now add or edit the following in app Config/core.php: Configure::write(‘Acl.classname’, ‘CacheDbAcl’); ><br > Code Explained
The CacheDbAcl library works the exact same as the DbAcl library that is shipped with CakePHP 2.x. The only changes made are to the check() method. What it does:
- CacheDbAcl verifies caching is enabled. If it’s not enabled it just resumes normal operation.
- Reads in the name of the cache config you want to use, see CacheDbAclConfig.
- Checks what portion of the ARO you want to use as your cache key (more on this later), see CacheDbAclAro.
- Checks if an entry for the Aro, Aco, and Action exists in the cache. If not it performs its normal operations and then caches the results. Otherwise it just reads from the cache.
More on the CacheDbAclAro Setting
Since the ARO array passed into DbAcl::check can be quite different depending on your database structure and application requirements I allow you to set exactly which portion of the ARO you want to use as a unique cache key. If you want a cache created for each user, just don’t set this setting at all.
If you only want cache entries created for each group then use something similar to what I posted above. Maybe you have a special use-case and only want it using a very specific portion of the ARO as a key, this gives you that flexibility.
I went with User.UserGroup for this applicaton because our permissions are group based and I wanted to reduce the overall amount of cache entries created. When a group’s permissions are changed the modified field in the UserGroups model will naturally be updated so new cache entries will automatically be created and the old ones will eventually expire.
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Nizzardini
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package Cake.Controller.Component.Acl
* @license MIT License (
App::uses('AclInterface', 'Controller/Component/Acl');
App::uses('Hash', 'Utility');
App::uses('ClassRegistry', 'Utility');
* CacheDbAcl works the exact sabe as DbAcl expect that it will cache the results to using a cache config of your choosing:
* - Configurations in bootstrap.php:
* App::uses('CacheDbAcl', 'Lib');
* Configure::write('CacheDbAclConfig','Name_of_Your_Cache_Config')
* Configure::write('CacheDbAclAro','YourArrayKey.YourArray');
* - Configurations in core.php:
* Configure::write('Acl.classname', 'CacheDbAcl');
* @package Cake.Controller.Component.Acl
class CacheDbAcl extends Object implements AclInterface {
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$this->Permission = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'Permission', 'alias' => 'Permission'));
$this->Aro = $this->Permission->Aro;
$this->Aco = $this->Permission->Aco;
* Initializes the containing component and sets the Aro/Aco objects to it.
* @param AclComponent $component
* @return void
public function initialize(Component $component) {
$component->Aro = $this->Aro;
$component->Aco = $this->Aco;
* Checks if the given $aro has access to action $action in $aco
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
* @return boolean Success (true if ARO has access to action in ACO, false otherwise)
* @link
public function check($aro, $aco, $action = "*") {
// if cache is disabled then default to normal operation
if(Configure::read('Cache.disable') == true){
return $this->Permission->check($aro, $aco, $action);
// read name of cache config for AclCache
$cacheConfig = Configure::read('CacheDbAclConfig');
// if not found then use default
$cacheConfig = 'default';
// check which portion of $aro to use for key
$cacheAro = Configure::read('CacheDbAclAro');
// if not set just serialze $aro
$cacheKey = 'CacheDbAcl_'.md5(serialize($aro).$aco.$action);
// use custom portion of $aro
$tmp = explode('.', $cacheAro);
$aroTmp = false;
foreach($tmp as $i){
if($aroTmp == false){
$aroTmp = $aro[$i];
$aroTmp = $aroTmp[$i];
if(!isset($aroTmp) || empty($aroTmp)){
$cacheKey = 'CacheDbAcl_'.md5(serialize($aro).$aco.$action);
$cacheKey = 'CacheDbAcl_'.md5(serialize($aroTmp).$aco.$action);
// check for cache key in cache
$check = Cache::read($cacheKey);
// if key exists then return value
if( $check !== false ){
return $check;
// check database and write to cache
$check = $this->Permission->check($aro, $aco, $action);
return $check;
* Allow $aro to have access to action $actions in $aco
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @param string $actions Action (defaults to *)
* @param integer $value Value to indicate access type (1 to give access, -1 to deny, 0 to inherit)
* @return boolean Success
* @link
public function allow($aro, $aco, $actions = "*", $value = 1) {
return $this->Permission->allow($aro, $aco, $actions, $value);
* Deny access for $aro to action $action in $aco
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
* @return boolean Success
* @link
public function deny($aro, $aco, $action = "*") {
return $this->allow($aro, $aco, $action, -1);
* Let access for $aro to action $action in $aco be inherited
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
* @return boolean Success
public function inherit($aro, $aco, $action = "*") {
return $this->allow($aro, $aco, $action, 0);
* Allow $aro to have access to action $actions in $aco
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
* @return boolean Success
* @see allow()
public function grant($aro, $aco, $action = "*") {
return $this->allow($aro, $aco, $action);
* Deny access for $aro to action $action in $aco
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
* @return boolean Success
* @see deny()
public function revoke($aro, $aco, $action = "*") {
return $this->deny($aro, $aco, $action);
* Get an array of access-control links between the given Aro and Aco
* @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier.
* @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier.
* @return array Indexed array with: 'aro', 'aco' and 'link'
public function getAclLink($aro, $aco) {
return $this->Permission->getAclLink($aro, $aco);
* Get the keys used in an ACO
* @param array $keys Permission model info
* @return array ACO keys
protected function _getAcoKeys($keys) {
return $this->Permission->getAcoKeys($keys);