Social login with Hybridauth

HybridAuth enable developers to easily build social applications to engage websites vistors and customers on a social level by implementing social signin, social sharing, users profiles, friends list, activities stream, status updates and more. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Google. This article hopefully can improve Hybridauth support for CakePHP

First of all : Sorry about my English, and this is my first post so correct this article if I’m doing wrong. :)

> <h1>Social login with Hybridauth< h1> Hybridauth extend our application to use social provider authentication in our application. It can combine with Auth component without any problem. The concept is simple (as far as i know), Hybridauth will authenticate using our social provider identity (like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc..) then return an object to our application which we can use it as we want. ><br >

How to use

1. Download Hybridauth (stable version work with this article is version 2.0.11) > 2. Place hybridauth folder into our application webroot folder (app webroot/hybridauth) > 3. In Your UsersController add:<br >


in top most of your controller. > Note: maybe You need to place session_start() in top most of your AppController if you’re using auth component<br > > then create functions: <pre> public function loginwith($provider) { / $this->autoRender = false; require_once( WWW_ROOT . ‘hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php’ ); $hybridauth_config = array( “base_url” => ‘http://’ . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] . $this->base . “/hybridauth/”, // set hybridauth path “providers” => array( “Facebook” => array( “enabled” => true, “keys” => array(“id” => “your_fb_api_key”, “secret” => “fb_api_secret”), “scope” => ‘email’, ), “Twitter” => array( “enabled” => true, “keys” => array(“key” => “twitter_api_key”, “secret” => “twitter_api_secret”) ) // for another provider refer to hybridauth documentation ) ); try { // create an instance for Hybridauth with the configuration file path as parameter $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($hybridauth_config); // try to authenticate the selected $provider $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate($provider); // grab the user profile $user_profile = $adapter->getUserProfile(); //debug($user_profile); //uncomment this to print the object //exit(); //$this->set( ‘user_profile’, $user_profile ); //login user using auth component if (!empty($user_profile)) { $user = $this->_findOrCreateUser($user_profile, $provider); // optional function if you combine with Auth component unset($user[‘password’]); $this->request->data[‘User’] = $user; if ($this->Auth->login($this->request->data[‘User’])) { $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect()); $this->Session->setFlash(‘You are successfully logged in’); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(‘Failed to login’); } } } catch (Exception $e) { // Display the recived error switch ($e->getCode()) { case 0 : $error = “Unspecified error.”; break; case 1 : $error = “Hybriauth configuration error.”; break; case 2 : $error = “Provider not properly configured.”; break; case 3 : $error = “Unknown or disabled provider.”; break; case 4 : $error = “Missing provider application credentials.”; break; case 5 : $error = “Authentification failed. The user has canceled the authentication or the provider refused the connection.”; break; case 6 : $error = “User profile request failed. Most likely the user is not connected to the provider and he should to authenticate again.”; $adapter->logout(); break; case 7 : $error = “User not connected to the provider.”; $adapter->logout(); break; } // well, basically you should not display this to the end user, just give him a hint and move on.. $error .= “Original error message: ” . $e->getMessage(); $error .= “Trace: ” . $e->getTraceAsString(); $this->set(‘error’, $error); } } // this is optional function to create user if not already in database. you can do anything with your hybridauth object private function _findOrCreateUser($user_profile = array(), $provider=null) { if (!empty($user_profile)) { $user = $this->User->find(‘first’, array(‘conditions’ => array( ‘OR’=>array(‘User.username’ => $user_profile->identifier, ‘’=>$user_profile->email)))); if (!$user) { $this->User->create(); $this->User->set(array( ‘group_id’ => 2, ‘first_name’ => $user_profile->firstName, ‘last_name’ => $user_profile->lastName, ‘email’ => $user_profile->email, ‘username’ => $user_profile->identifier, ‘password’ => AuthComponent::password($user_profile->identifier), //in case you need to save password to database ‘country’ => $user_profile->country, ‘city’ => $user_profile->city, ‘address’ => $user_profile->address, //add another fields you want )); if ($this->User->save()) { $this->User->recursive = -1; $user = $this->User->read(null, $this->User->getLastInsertId()); return $user[‘User’]; } } else { return $user[‘User’]; } } } 4. In your view (ex. login.ctp) add: > <code><span style=”color: #000000”> <br ><divclass=”login-button- div”> <ahref=”loginwith/facebook”class=”zocialfacebook”>LoginwithFacebook</a > <ahref=”loginwith/twitter”class=”zocialtwitter”>LoginwithTwitter</a> </div> that’s all. > Beside this article you can find <a href=”http: /”> sample cakephp2 application using Hybridauth here. This article is based on the sample application with very little modification and the credit of this article is for them who create hybridauth and cakephp sample app using hybridauth ><br > Happy baking..