Breadcrumbs trail for unordered pages
The Idea is to create a trail of visited pages, allowing you to always jump back and to alway see last visited pages. This can be helpful if breadcrumbs can not be used, since there is no clean hierachical structure with parent/child defined. Furthermore, this Component / Helper is only included once for the appController itself and once in your layout. No need to manually add the code to each and every page.
I also played with $referer variable, back button usage and javascript back-functions but in the end the trac was always getting kind of mixed up by functions / methods like save, edit, etc. This Component/Helper pack will allow you to customize methods and controllers to be ignored and to display a nice, clickable trail in the form of
Component ( index ) > Component ( view) > Component2 ( index ) >
This bundle consists of a Component - which may be called from appController itself only once or from each controller by itself - and of a Helper, which is called within your view or in the layout directly. If called from the Layout, make sure to add the Helper to your app_controller as described in step 3 of the Installation how to.
=== Component ===
* NavigationComponent
* @author Rene Weber
* @website
* @modified by Rene Weber, 23.04.2012
* @version 1.0
* @cakephp 1.3
* Purpose
* ---------
* Track your way and allow Backwards movement.
* The Idea is to create a trail of visited pages, allowing you always jump back.
* This can help if a breadcrumb logical can not be used, since there is no clean hierachical structure
* with parent/child structure
* I also played with referer variable, back button usage and javascript back but in the end the trac was
* always getting messed by functions / methods like save, edit, etc.
* This Component/Helper pack will allow you to customize methods and controllers to be ignored and to
* display a nice, linked trail in the form of
* Component ( index ) > Component ( view) > Component2 ( index ) >
* What does it constis of
* -------------------------
* 1. NavigationComponent ( this file )
* The component constists of 4 Functions:
* - process: The main function to be called from appController: Stores current page,
* handles clicks on links,
* keeps trail short
* - storeTrail : Stroes current trail to session ussing $sessionVarName
* - walkBack : If a Link was clicked in our trail, remove all visited pages behind this link
* This only happens for links passing $navpointUrl and the index.
* See corresponding NavigationHelper to created correct links
* - shrinkTrail: Shift trail until it's length reaches $maxItems or the given length
* - cleanTrail: Call this on logout in order to remove trail variable
* 2. NavigationHelper
* Meant to create correct Links to jump back in time. These links also include the index in our trail
* and therefor the trail will be adjusted after clicking such a link.
* Installation
* ----------------
* 1. Add Component to app/controllers/components/
* 2. Add Helper to app/views/helpers/
* 3. Add Helper to AppController ( nessecary to use in layout) in app/app_controller.php:
* var $helpers = array(... , 'Navigation');
* --> If $helpers was not defined yet, you will have to add all used helpers like 'Html' etc.
* 4. Call 'process' in app_controller.php directly at the beginning of beforeFilter and set variable
* $this->Navigation->Process( $this );
* $this->set('trail', $this->Navigation->trail );
* 5. In your Layout or in your desired View, call the trail creator or only read the link:
* $this->Navigation->printBacklinks( $trail, 8 )
* or
* echo $this->Html->link("Back", $this->Navigation->getBacklinkForView( $trail ) );
* 6. Possibly you want to enclose 'printBacklinks' into a div and adjust its hover and look.
* i.e.
* <div class='crumb'>$this->Navigation->printBacklinks( $trail, 8 )</div>
* and
* .crumbs { color: #999; }
* .crumbs a { color: #aaa; font: 0.9em arial; }
* .crumbs a:hover { font-size: 1em; color: #000; font-weight: bold; }
class NavigationComponent extends Object {
/************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES MAY BE ADJUSTED ***************************************/
* Methods that shall not be stored. I.e. going from Index to View to Edit to Save
* forwarding you to View again, a back button should ignore the Edit but push you back to Index.
var $ignoreMethods = array( 'edit', 'save' );
var $ignoreControllers = array( 'CakeError', 'Users' );
* Keyname to store session variable in
var $sessionVarName = 'Navigation';
* This is the key we will use in URL to pass the index to our component.
* Default is 'navpoint' and MUST BE THE SAME IN HELPER!
* i.e. http://myhost/posts/123?navpoint=3 -> Will jump to 3rd point and delete the rest behind
var $navpointUrl = 'navpoint';
* Maximum entries in our trail variable. Default: 8
var $maxItems = 8;
/******************************** END OF GLOBAL VARIABLES. DO NOT CHANGE BELOW ***********************************/
* Array holding the Trail we are Moving in
var $trail = array();
* Write Trail to Session
function storeTrail(){
$this->Session->write( $this->sessionVarName, $this->trail );
var $components = array('RequestHandler', 'Session');
* If a navigation click brought us here, let's clean all other items
* This happens if we came here via helper. This can be parsed from the params.
* e.g. /posts/view/1/navpoint/3 --> Navpoint = 3, clean everything behind
* It will be next value behind navpoint
function walkBack( &$controller ){
if( isset( $controller->params['url'][$this->navpointUrl] ) ){
for ( $i=sizeof($this->trail); $i>$controller->params['url'][$this->navpointUrl]; $i-- ){
unset( $this->trail[$i] );
function process( &$controller ) {
$skipThis = 0;
$controllerName = $controller->name;
/* Restore from Session if exists */
if( ( $sessionVar = $this->Session->read( $this->sessionVarName ) ) )
$this->trail = $sessionVar;
/* Check if one of our crumbs was clicked ( will be passed via URL ) */
$this->walkBack( $controller );
/* Check if current Method is included in our Ignore List */
if( in_array( $controller->params['action'], $this->ignoreMethods ) )
$skipThis = 1;
/* Check if current Controller is included in our Ignore List */
if( in_array( $controller->name, $this->ignoreControllers ) )
$skipThis = 1;
/* Ignore reload of same controller and same action */
if( sizeof( $this->trail ) > 0 ){
$lastElement = $this->trail[sizeof( $this->trail ) -1 ];
if ( !empty( $lastElement['url'] ) &&
$lastElement['url'] == $controller->params['url']['url'] ) {
$skipThis = 1;
/* Add current Page to trail */
if( $skipThis != 1 )
$this->trail[] = array( 'url' => $controller->params['url']['url'],
'action' => $controller->params['action'],
'controller' => $controllerName,
/* Shorten Trail to maximum lenght */
/* Store trail to session */
function shrinkTrail( $length=-1 ){
if( $length == -1 ){
$length = $this->maxItems;
while( sizeof( $this->trail ) > $length ){
array_shift( $this->trail);
function cleanTrail() {
$this->trail = array();
$this->Session->delete( $this->sessionVarName );
=== Helper ===
* NavigationHelper
* @author Rene Weber
* @website
* @modified by Rene Weber, 23.04.2012
* @version 1.0
* @cakephp 1.3
* Purpose
* ---------
* Create Links for jumping back in trail and add Information for NavigationComponent to adjust its trail
* Which files are needed?
* -------------------------
* 1. NavigationHelper ( This file )
* Meant to create correct Links to jump back in time. These links also include the index in our trail
* and therefor the trail will be adjusted after clicking such a link.
* - printBackLinks: Need trail variable and length
* Will print length amount of the last visited pages with links in one row seperated
* by $this->seperator ( see global variables )
* - getBacklinkForView: Yes, this is a long function name. It will return only an URL to be used.
* 2. NavigationComponent
* The component constists of 4 Functions:
* - process: The main function to be called from appController: Stores current page,
* handles clicks on links,
* keeps trail short
* - storeTrail : Stroes current trail to session ussing $sessionVarName
* - walkBack : If a Link was clicked in our trail, remove all visited pages behind this link
* This only happens for links passing $navpointUrl and the index.
* See corresponding NavigationHelper to created correct links
* - shrinkTrail: Shift trail until it's length reaches $maxItems or the given length
* Installation
* ----------------
* See Component!
* @author Rene Weber
* @website
* @modified by Rene Weber, 23.04.2012
* @version 1.0
* @cakephp 1.3
class NavigationHelper extends AppHelper {
/************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES MAY BE ADJUSTED ***************************************/
* This array allows you to define aliases for printBackLinks function. Simple example:
* Without aliases: Posts ( indexEditor ) > Messages( indexNoNews ) > ...
* With aliases: Posts ( Mine ) > Messages( Read ) >...
var $actionAliases = array( 'indexSelection' => 'Type Selection',
'indexGrouped' => 'Grouped',
'indexEditor' => 'My Edits',
'index' => '',
'indexNoNews' => 'No News',
'indexOldVersion' => 'Old Version',
* Seperator for function printBackLinks
var $seperator = " > ";
* This is the key we will use in URL to pass the index to our component.
* Default is 'navpoint' and MUST BE THE SAME IN HELPER!
* i.e. http://myhost/posts/123?navpoint=3 -> Will jump to 3rd point and delete the rest behind
var $navpointUrl = 'navpoint';
/******************************** END OF GLOBAL VARIABLES. DO NOT CHANGE BELOW ***********************************/
var $helpers = array( 'Html' );
var $controllerAliases = array();
function printBackLinks( $trail, $count = 1 ) {
for ( $i=$count; $i>0; $i-- ){
if( sizeof( $trail ) < $i )
$lastElement = $trail[sizeof( $trail ) - $i ];
$displayController = $lastElement['controller'];
$displayAction = $lastElement['action'];
if( isset( $this->actionAliases[ $lastElement['action'] ] ) )
$displayAction = $this->actionAliases[ $lastElement['action']];
if( isset( $this->controllerAliases[ $lastElement['controller'] ] ) )
$displayController = $this->controllerAliases[ $lastElement['controller'] ];
if( !empty( $displayAction ) )
$displayAction = '( '.$displayAction.' )';
$url = '/'.$lastElement['url'].'?'.$this->navpointUrl.'='.(sizeof( $trail ) - $i);
echo $this->Html->Link( $displayController.$displayAction, $url );
echo $this->seperator;
function getBacklinkForView( $trail ) {
$url = '';
if( isset( $trail[sizeof( $trail ) - 2 ] ) ){
$lastElement = $trail[sizeof( $trail ) - 2 ];
$url = '/'.$lastElement['url'].'?'.$this->navpointUrl.'='.(sizeof( $trail ) - 2);
return $url;