Hi!, Im new on the bakery, this is my first article, I hope this will be helpfull. This is a behaviors for dateformat, I was looking for something like this, but I never could get one that indulge my needs. so, here it goes. A simple Dateformat behaviors. (lo publique en espaƱol tambien)
<?php class DateformatBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
//Our format
var $dateFormat = 'd.m.Y';
//datebase Format
var $databaseFormat = 'Y-m-d';
function setup(&$model) {
$this->model = $model;
function _changeDateFormat($date = null,$dateFormat){
return date($dateFormat, strtotime($date));
//This function search an array to get a date or datetime field.
function _changeDate($queryDataConditions , $dateFormat){
foreach($queryDataConditions as $key => $value){
$queryDataConditions[$key] = $this->_changeDate($value,$dateFormat);
} else {
$columns = $this->model->getColumnTypes();
//sacamos las columnas que no queremos
foreach($columns as $column => $type){
if(($type != 'date') && ($type != 'datetime')) unset($columns[$column]);
//we look for date or datetime fields on database model
foreach($columns as $column => $type){
if($type == 'datetime') $queryDataConditions[$key] = $this->_changeDateFormat($value,$dateFormat.' H:i:s ');
if($type == 'date') $queryDataConditions[$key] = $this->_changeDateFormat($value,$dateFormat);
return $queryDataConditions;
function beforeFind($model, $queryData){
$queryData['conditions'] = $this->_changeDate($queryData['conditions'] , $this->databaseFormat);
return $queryData;
function afterFind(&$model, $results){
$results = $this->_changeDate($results, $this->dateFormat);
return $results;
function beforeSave($model) {
$model->data = $this->_changeDate($model->data, $this->databaseFormat);
return true;
} ?>