Mpdf component for generating PDF files from HTML
Mpdf consists only from one component class that uses mPDF class (located in vendors) to generate PDF file instead of standard output.
mPDF is a great class that can create PDF files from HTML. For more information see mPDF homepage.
I wrote this component to easily use mPDF with cake views. You just need to initialize Mpdf component, set desired layout (view) and instead of standard output the PDF file will be generated.
Short example in controller: ` public$components=array(‘Mpdf.Mpdf’);
publicfunctiontestpdf(){ $this->Mpdf->init(); $this->Mpdf->setFilename(‘file.pdf’); $this->Mpdf->setOutput(‘D’); //cancallanymPDFmethodvia$this->Mpdf->pdf $this->Mpdf->pdf->SetWatermarkText(“Draft”); } ` Download the code from