Custom RSS-Helper that actually works with namespaces for Cakphp 2.0

I had a hard time using cakes built in rss helper to create a podcast- feed for iTunes/iTunes U, because Apple wants us to use custom tags defined in their own namespace. Namespaces don’t work with cakes rss helper (for now), so I built my own!

I’ve described my problems in this thread over in the cakephp google group.

My own solution consists of a very simple little helper class which I posted to the bin: Cakephp bRss Helper

For how to use it have a look at the official cakebook here.

But unlike there, use this layout and this view. Note how I ignore the ‘documentData’ and create the surrounding rss tag with the necessary namespace information “by hand”.

Also my helper just constructs the xml as a string without ever using php’s xml object.

I’m aware that this is by no means a good implementation, but it works for me and there will probably be a fix in the original cakephp helper at some point. But if you run into the same problems as I did, feel free to try this solution and also to improve it! You can also just comment if you have troubles running it.