CakePHP 5.1.4

The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 5.1.4. This is a maintenance release with a security fix for the 5.1 branch that fixes several community reported issues and regressions. If you are having problems with the framework breaking your application when you upgrade from 5.0.11 to 5.1, please open an issue.


You can expect the following changes in 5.1.4. See the changelog for every commit.

  • Relaxed typehints to allow callable where previously typehints were Closure.
  • aria-invalid is now be applied to select elements.
  • Relaxed type hints that were list to be array.
  • Improved API documentation.
  • Converted 5xx response codes to 4xx for externally invoked bad URLs.
  • Client\Request no longer mangles the Content-Type header for JSON and XML requests with array data.
  • Paginator will now trigger warnings when settings have not been applied.
  • Request URIs are now read from REQUEST_URI instead of PATH_INFO. This resolves a potential security issue where paths with %2f would be incorrectly handled as / by CakePHP.
  • Improved CSP compliance in FormHelper by replacing inline style attributes with classnames, and inline JavaScript with script blocks when CspMiddleware is enabled.
  • Fixed off-by-one error on stackframe offests in ErrorTrap::handleError().

Contributors to 5.1.4

Thank you to all the contributors that submitted a pull request:

  • ADmad
  • Kevin Pfeifer
  • Marc Würth
  • Mark Scherer
  • Mark Story

As always, we would like to also thank all the contributors that opened issues, or updated the documentation.

Download a packaged release on github.